Thursday, 15 June 2017

How Can A Person Know He is A Christian?

1. It is right for a person to try to know that he/she is a Christian?

2. What change must take place in every man's life before he can be certain he is a Christian?

3.How long does a man need to wait before he is assured of his acceptance with God? 
   Romans 5:1-3.

4.How can we be persuaded in our own hearts that we are of the truth?
   1John 3:19-21

5.How can a man know from the life he lives that he is a child of God.?
   Luke 6:35 Matt 3:17 Romans : 8:14

6.How does God's spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are children of God? 
   Romans 8:16,17 Gal 4:6

7. How may we know from the Bible that we have eternal life?
    John 20:30,31, 1 John: 5:13

a) His Birth - John 3:7
b) His Name - Acts 11:26
c) His Food - Matt 4:4
d) His Growth - 2 Peter 3:18
e) His Dress - Romans 13:14
f) His Speech - Matt 26:73
g) His Character - Acts 5:15
h) His Influence - Acts 5:15
i) His Standards - Col 3:2.

Three Marks of the Victorious Christian Life.

1. It is an Abiding Life ( John 15:14)
2. It is an Abounding Life ( 2 Corinthian 8:7)
3. It is an Abundant Life ( John 7:38)

Wednesday, 14 June 2017


"And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the Vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that read it." Habakkuk 2:2

1." GO"
    -"Go forward" toward the better things for Christ and the Church.
    - Grow in grace.
    - "We need fewer, "Look out committees and more Go out commiittees.
    -  Go ye into all the world and..."

2. "STOP"
     - If you are on the wrong road.
     - If you are saying something, or doing something, that might cause others trouble, sorrow, etc,

    - Stay away from bad company,
    - Give questionable amusements a wide berth.
    -  Boycott business concerns that sell booze.

   -Many dangerous curves on life's highway;extreme caution necessary.

    -Young people, if you are thinking of quitting school, speeding by it, or taking a short cut with your education, you had better think twice about it.

    -When the "wets" are on the loose, the highways are never safe.
    - Alcohol and gasoline are dangerous mixture.

    -There are mountains ahead of us in the pilgrimage of life. Let us prepared.
    - Have you enough oil?
       (foolish Virgins)

Drawing Near to Lord

"It is good for me to draw near to God." Psalm 73:28

Why is it good thing to draw near to God?

1. In doing so, We draw away from ourselves:
    a) A man needs to get away from himself at times.
    b) Too self-centered; selfish; self-pity.

2. In doing so, we draw away from the world.
    a) Away from the temporal; away from mammon;away from the snares and pitfalls of sin.

3. For same reasons it was good for the prodigal to return home.
    a) Forgiveness, re-in statement,abundance, peace of mind, self-respect, blessings of home.

4. It produces christian unity.
    a) the closer we draw to God the closer we come to our comrades of the cross, of all         denominations.

5. Thus we shall learn to know him.
    a) We can't know God by following at a distance.
    b) Be still, and know that I am God. 

Spreading The Gospel

"They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word." Acts 8:4

     a) The disciples Peter, James and John etc.
     b) The rank and file of the Church. "They that were scattered abroad."

     a) The word of God, "preaching the word."
     b) Salvation through Jesus Christ.

     a) Because they believed the word.
     b) Because they realized the value of human soul.

     a) They began at home, Jerusalem.
     b) They spread out far beyond.

Conclusion: It is our duty to follow the example of this early church. They believed in the Gospel and they went everywhere preaching in the name of Jesus salvation from sin. The Church today finds here a worthy example to follow. 

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Can Almighty LORD Be Limited?

"And they limited the Holy One of Israel." Psalms 78:41

God's wise and benevolent purposes are often frustrated. There are many things God would do for men if permitted.

1.Inconsistent Christian Living Handicaps God.

--Your inequities have separated.... Isaiah 59:1,2
--Your sins have withhold en  good things... Jeremiah 5:25

2.Lack of Faith Limits the Deity.

--Jesus of Nazareth "Could there do no mighty works because of their unbelief." Matt 13:58.
--Jesus: "If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed." Matt 17:20.
--Many of us lack adventurous religion; we are afraid to "launch out into the deep."

3.Shallow and Selfish Prayers Restrict God.

--"Ye ask and receive not because..." James 4:3
-- The Pharisees in the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.

4. A Stubborn Will Limit God.

-- "He Came unto his own, and his own received him not." john 1:11
-- "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,... how oft would I have gathered thy Children.." Matt 23:37.


-- God extends His gifts, but we must accept them.
-- Jesus invites us to come, but He can't compel us to come.
-- Jesus stands at the door and knocks but we must open the door. The key is on our side..

Monday, 12 June 2017


"Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward" Exodus 14:15

1. Go forward in Faith
2.Go forward against Evil
3.Go forward in Personal Religious Living.
4.Go forward in Churchman ship
5. Go forward to the Promised Land.

"Speak unto the Children of Israel that they go forward." Exodus 14:15b.

1. It was Time of Inactivity
             a) They expected God to Work a miracle
             b) God said they had a part to perform.

2. It was a Time of Testing
             a) How unusual was Gods command!
             b) God's way is always forward.

3.It was a Time of Crisis
             a) Defeat or victory lay in their hands
             b) God's purpose for the Jew. Would His people fall Him?

4.It was a Time of Victory   
              a) What Moses obedience did.
              b) Israel did march forward - to victory!.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Jesus Christ in the Old Testament


The Noble Bereans - Acts 17:10-15

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonian, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

A)Character and Conduct of The Bereans.

1) The gospel was preached to them by Paul and Silas.
2) The courteous deportment of the Bereans was favorable to the influence of the gospel preached.
3) They heard the gospel attentively.
4) They manifested a laudable spirit of inquiry
5) They received the word with all readiness of mind.
6)  Their acknowledgment of the truth was the result of diligent investigation.
7) They believed.

B) Their Condut is Worthy of Imitation. 

C)The Advantages of Imitating The Bereans.

Search the Scripture

"They Searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so" Acts 17:11

1.Some Read for Arguments Sake :  Campell Morgan Said: "A hen scratches two bushels of chaff to get a grain: Critics scratch two bushels of grain to get the chaff"

2.Some Read it just wo be able to brag that they read it: It isn't how much of the Bible you go through that amounts to something, but how much of the Bible goes thorough you.

3.Some read it to get something into it: Read it with preconceived ideas and closed minds.
Mos anything can be proved by the bible by distorting the passages.

4.Some Read it to get something out of it:  All is in the Bible that will ever be in, but all is not out of it. Surface only has been scratched.

5.The best motive for Bible reading is to get to someone: - JESUS CHRIST.
 He Said, "These are they which testify of me."
 The whole Bible is Christocentric.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

The Church @ work

"He that believe on me, the works that I do shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father" John 14:12.

"Works" do not necessarily imply miracles ( John 6:29) The "Works" of Christ include all the activities connected with His Mission of redemption.

1) The Church program is to do Christ works.
     -- Evangelize her chief duty.

2) The Church's Privilege to do "Greater Works"
     -- Not presumption on part of Church, for the promise came from Christ.
     -- Illustrations:
        a) Evangelize : World Wide Mission.
        b) Healing ; hospitals etc.
        c)  Education : Sunday Schools, Religious Instructions; Christian Colleges and Seminars etc.

3) The Church's Power " "Because I go unto my Father"
     -- God lives; Christ lives; the Holy Spirit is active, they empower the Church.

4)  The Church's Preparation, "He that believe"
     -- Faith the great need
     -- Prayer Changes things.

Spreading of the Gospel

"They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word" Acts 8:4.

1) Who Preached.
    a) The disciples, Peter,James and John, etc.
    b) The rank and file of the Church. "They that were scattered abroad."

2) What They Preached.
     a) The word of God, "Preaching the word"
     b) Salvation through Jesus Christ.

3) Why They Preached.
    a) Because they believed the word.
    b) Because they realized the value of the human soul.

4) Where They Preached.
     a) They began at home, Jerusalem.
     b)  They spread out far beyond.

Conclusion: It is our duty to follow the example of this early Church. They believed in the Gospel and they went everywhere  preaching in the name of Jesus Christ Salvation from Sin. The Church today finds here a worthy example to follow. 

Christ Character -

The Character of Christ

  1. The Prayerful Christ - Luke 22:41
  2. The Troubling Christ - Matt 14:26
  3. The Enthroned Christ - Matt 25:31
  4. The Borrowing Christ - Mark 11:3
  5. The Confident Christ - Matt 16:28
  6. The Expectant Christ - Heb 10:13
  7. The Enriching Christ - Romans 10:12
  8. The Indignant Christ - John 2:15
  9. The Steadfast Christ - Luke 9:51
  10. The Emotional Christ - Luke 19:41
  11. The Aggressive Christ - Isa : 59:18,19
  12. The Conquering Christ - Rev 6:2
  13. The Indwelling Christ - Eph 3:17
  14. The Purposeful Christ - Isa 42:4
  15. The Triumphant Christ - Luke 24:15
  16. The Optimistic Christ - John 16:20-22.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

How to do Quiet Time - A.S.P.E.C.T

Wondering how to do Quiet Time and Spent time with Jesus. 
Watch this simple video and be blessed, Share with your friends.

Monday, 5 June 2017

HEAVEN - HELL - Bible Verses


  1. Revelation : 21:1-8 " No earthly woes"
  2. Revelation : 21: 10-27 " The Holy City"
  3. Revelation : 22 : 1-5 "throne of God"
  4. Matthew : 25:46 "Eternal Life"
  5. Hebrews : 13:14 " a city ( Heb 11:10,16 ::: 13:22)

  1. Matthew 6 : 9 "God" ( 1 Kings 8:30)
  2. Matthew 18:10 angels  (Matthew 24:36)
  3. Acts 3:20,21 Jesus (Acts 7:56, Hebrews 9:24; John 14:1-6)
  4. Revelation 22:14 those blessed (Rev 7:13-17; Matthew 5:12)
  5. Matthew 25:33 the faithful
  6. Matthew 25:37-40,46 the righteous
  7. Hebrews 10:34-39 the obedient faithful (1 Peter 1:3-9; Matthew 10:22; Rev 2:10)


  1. Rev 20:14,15 Lake of fire (Matthew 18:9)
  2. Matthew 25:30 Outer darkness (Matthew 22:13)
  3. Revelation 14:11 torment (Luke 16:23)
  4. Matthew 25:46 eternal punishment
  5. Mark 9:47,48 worm dies not, fire not quenched
  6. Matthew 10:28 eternal destruction.


  1. 2 Thessalonian 1:7,8 those who obey not gospel
  2. Rev 21:8 fearful,liars,unbelievers etc
  3. 2 Peter 2:20,21 backsliders
  4. 1 Peter 4:18 ungodly
  5. Rev 20:15 those not listed in book of life.
  6. Matthew 5:22 those who call others a fool
  7. 2 Peter 2:4 all who have unforgiven sins.

Seven Steps in Salvation

1) Conviction : "They were pricked in their hearts"

2) Repentance: "Peter said unto them, Repent"

3) Pardon: "For the remission of sins"

4) Faith: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved"

5) Regeneration: "And ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

6) Baptism: "And be baptized every one of you in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit."

7) Fruit bearing: "And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes."

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Alone with Jesus - Jesus Voice - He is Pre-Eminent Speaker.

1. Jacob at Jabbok. (Gen 32:24)
2. Moses, in the desert (Exodus 3:1-5,12)
3. Joshua, near Jericho (Josh 1:1-9).
4. Gideon at Oprah (Judges 6:11-24)
5. Elijah, by the brook (I Kings 17:3-5; 19:9-18)
6. John the baptist, in the wilderness (Luke 1:80)
7. Peter, on the housetop (Acts 10:9-17)
8. Jesus, in the mountain (john 6:15)
9. Paul, in the Arabia (Gal 1:17)
10. John, the apostle, on the patomos  (Rev 1:9)

1.Comforting and Reassuring
a)Be of good cheer.
b)Let not your heart be troubled
c)Suffer the little children to come unto me.
2. Great Earnestness
a)He Knew the enormous value of souls, the horrors of hell,and the joys of the redeemed.
3.Authority and Finality.
a)Spake as one having authority
b)What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey his voice?
c)He didn't mince words in condemning sin
d)Jesus had "the words of eternal life"

Patriarchs, Prophets,Kings and teachers in the Jewish church had spoken before him; but none like him. Men of high position, of great wisdom, of vast influence, have spoken since him; but none like him. He spake as never man spake.

a) In respect to originality.
b) In respect to sinlessness
c) In respect to authority.
d) In respect to subject
e) In respect to style- simplicity- illustration-plainness, etc.
f) In respect to spirit-love-kindness-sympathy.
g) In respect to the living influence of his words. Then, now always.
      1)Read what this man has spoken
      2)Meditate there on.

GOSPEL In a Nutshell

"For God so loved the world the he gave his only SON, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

1. Fact of God's Love:

a) Proven by his gift of Jesus.
b) Proven by his toleration of sinful men.

2.Character of Gods Love:

a) All inclusive.
b) It is perfect
c) It is sacrificial.

3. Measure of Gods Love:

a)His incarnation.
b)His life of humiliation.
c)His shameful death.

4.Purpose of God's Love:

a)World lost without Christ.
b)Embraces the world
c)Destroys idolatry.

Joy In Heaven

Likewise, I say unto you. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repentant" Luke 15:10

  a) He is convicted of sin.
  b) He is sorry for it.
  c) He is alarmed about its consequences
  d) He confesses and renounces it.


a) The angels rejoice, because an immortal being is delivered from guilt and sin.
b) The angels rejoice, because the glory of God is more conspicuously displayed.
c) The angels rejoice, because they obtain a fresh companion, and a new field for the exercise of their love and compassion.

Be Prepared

"Prepare to meet thy God" Amos 4:12

1. We have a God.
2.He is our personal God. "Thy God"
3.We must meet Him. "Judgment Day"
4.We need preparation before meeting Him
5.What is this preparation we need?
6.In preparing to meet God, we are preparing to meet our loved ones in Heaven.


1. Are you prepared for the great eventuality?
2.If not, Why not accept the Savior's love and grace right now?

What is Man?

What Is Man?

1.He is inherently Godly.
2.He is Created to be happy and holy
3.He is precious personality, intended to be Christlike.
4.He is a sharer in God's eternal purposes
5.He is entrusted by God with ability to choose
6.He is given to the world destined to help make it better.
7.He is able to love God and his neighbor as himself.
8.He is part of God's timeless plan
9.He is both divine and human, a living soul
10.He is the object of God's shepherd Mission. 

Friday, 2 June 2017

Esther Chapter 8. Couriers for the King of Kings

The Couriers (8:14-16) sent by Mordecai did a marvelous job reaching with the GOODNEWS before the execution of Jews took place. Two things I learned from these amazing COURIERS.

1. OBEDIENCE: They obeyed the king's command. They had no choice. But they counted it a privilege to be at King's Service. Notice the words in Verse 14 'urged/inspired by the king's command' They wasted no time since they realized the urgency. Their obedience saved many lives.

God's Couriers: We are couriers for the Lord. The King of Kings has given us the GREAT COMMISSION (Matt 28:18-20). It is a privilege to be at KING's service, God's Command is God's Will and God's will is God's Command, we have no choice and it is also urgent. Partial obedience is disobedience.

2. FAITHFUL : They were faithful till the end. Had they reached late the execution could take place. It is not just obedience, but there has to be faithfulness in that obedience. One might obey in doing things for the Lord, but the Lord sees faithfulness in it. Eg. One can be obedient in coming to Church Sunday after Sunday, but God also sees how faithful are we in living a life that glorifies His Name in our day to day life.

The Couriers in Esther had to work as a team. The first received the Edict and the last one delivered it. But in between there were many and all of them were faithful in doing their part to fulfil the whole plan of saving the Jews from the jaws of death.

India needs the Gospel. Be an OBEDIENT and FAITHFUL Courier. If each one of us do our part many will hear the GOOD NEWS and be saved from the jaws of eternal damnation.

Come Unto Me


A.The Characteristics of the speaker.
a) He is sympathetic
b) He is conscious of all-efficiency in His person and work.
c) He is untiring (as fresh to-day as ever)
d) He is urgent
e) He is meek, and lowly in heart.

B. The Universality of his appeal.
a) All mankind are included.
b) Every age and rank
c) The Son of Man is above all tribal and racial distinctions.

C.The Response of it demands.
a)It must be personal. Each man for himself.
b)it should be immediate.
c)it may be unemotional.

The Successful Church


"Then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success." Joshua 1:8.

Things necessary if the church is to succeed.

1.Spirituality."Not by might, nor by power,but by my spirit.
2.Unselfishness."My brother's keeper."
3.Courage."Only be thou strong and very courageous."
4.Efficiency."Ready for every good work."
5.Cooperation. "Workers together."
6.Evangelism. "Go.. Preach..."
7. Objective. "the Glory of God."

Christ the Shepherd Psalm 23.

The Christian's hope in the Psalm 23.

1. Personal Possessions, Assurance v.1.
2.Peaceful Position, Peace v.2
3.Precious Promise,Guidance v.3.
4. Pilgrim's Progress,Security. v.4
5.Proven Provision,Satisfaction v.5.
6.Priceless Prospect,Fellowship, Rest. v.6

Introduction: David as a shepherd boy fed his sheep in green pastures and protected them from wolves and wild beasts- a picture of the Great Shepherd.
1. David Shepherd: "The Lord is my Shepherd."

2.Divine Rest: "He Maketh me to lie down.

3.Divine Sustenance: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

4.Divine Leadership: "He leadeth me."
   a) In the paths of peace.
   b) In paths of joy.
   c) In paths of light.
   d) In paths of righteousness.

5.Divine Restoration: " For thou are with me."
   a) We will fear no evil
   b) We will be protected.
   c) We will be comforted.
   d)  We will be sustained.

6.Divine Anointing: "Thou anointest my head with oil.

7.Divine Overflow: "My Cup runneth over."

8.Divine Habitations: "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Psalm 23 1) Assurance 2) Peace 3) Guidance 4) Security 5) Satisfaction 6) Fellowship 7) Rest.