Friday, 11 May 2018

Eve - A Mate and Mother


Scriputre Reading Gen 2:18-24  Eph 5:21-23

In the record of creation (Gen 1:27) it is simply stated that "God created man." - "male and female created He then." There is complete absence of any detail as to the manner and matter of their creation. We now get the details of Eve's creation. How long Adam was in Eden before Eve was created we do not know; except to say it must have been long enough to find out that no animal could be his companion and that he was lonely man. God paraded all the animals before Adam and he named them all; but found no one that could become his wife. So God said, " I will make an help meet for him."

Let us first of all meditate upon the Physical Production (21-22). We accept this simple statement as a fact and not fiction. The creation of Eve out of Adam was a miracle. The word translated "ribs" out of Adam was literally means "side off," or "side Chambers." Someone has said: "Woman was not taken from the head of man, lest she should rule him; not from his feet lest he should trample upon her. But she was taken from his side that she might be his equal; from under his arm that he might protect her; and from near his heart that he might cherish and lover." The translation "help meet" is rather unfortunate for the word means "a helper suited for him," or "a helper as his counterpart," This is the true idea of woman's relation to man, his counterpart, his complement his companion. Whenver this is realized God's purpose is being fulfilled.

Our scripture also suggests a spiritual purpose (24) "They shall be one flesh". Paul goes back here in the O.T and uses this physical relationship of Adam and Eve as a beautiful type of the relationship of Christ and His Body of the Church. "They shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery; but I speak concerning Christ  and the church (Eph 5:31-32) There is nothing here in Ephesians five about a duality, as bride and bridegroom; but about a unity of Christ as the Head, and the Church as member of His body. So the first physical union becomes a blessed type of the highest spiritual union.

A Pleasant Paradise

Scripture Reading : Gen 2:8-17; Songs of Solomon 4:12-16

In anticipation of man's arrival. God prepared a suitable abode for his reception. Into Eden, meaning "delightful"God planted a garden for Adam and Eve. It is interesting to note that the three heads of the three groups of beings are seen in conjunction with a a garden: Satan,"the Garden of God."(Ezek 28:13); Adam, "the Garden of Eden," (Gen 2:8); and Christ, "The Garden of Geth-semane," (John 18:1). This garden was place of both aesthetic beauty, and utilitarian satisfaction - "every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food."-

The Garden was Place of Habitation. "The Lord God planted a garden." In all the work of God in these chapters we see His sovereignty at work. Thus far man has hand nothing to do. The garden is a display of God's wisdom, power and love. So it will be in our heavenly home, a creation all of God and one of man. Here His measure. We do not know the location of Eden, but it may have been in the locality of the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Note the words "every" and "freely" in verse 16. God's provision was both gratuitous and abundant.

The Garden was also a Place of Vocation, -"to dress it and to keep it." Adam is first told to "capture," discover its secrets," and "to dress it," He was to lay hands up to the potential of the garden and bring them out to fruitful perfection. He was also to "keep it". this means literally "to hedge it about." Is God here warning Adam that an enemy is lurking near by? We think so! So man was told to work and to watch.

And we find that this garden was also a Place of Probation. He was not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, lest he die. Adam was created a moral being, with ability to choose. God had to put at least one restriction so Adam could exercise a choice. A garden is a place of seclusion  (songs of Solomon 4:12) and a place of service and satisfaction.