"Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward" Exodus 14:15
1. Go forward in Faith
2.Go forward against Evil
3.Go forward in Personal Religious Living.
4.Go forward in Churchman ship
5. Go forward to the Promised Land.
"Speak unto the Children of Israel that they go forward." Exodus 14:15b.
1. It was Time of Inactivity
a) They expected God to Work a miracle
b) God said they had a part to perform.
2. It was a Time of Testing
a) How unusual was Gods command!
b) God's way is always forward.
3.It was a Time of Crisis
a) Defeat or victory lay in their hands
b) God's purpose for the Jew. Would His people fall Him?
4.It was a Time of Victory
a) What Moses obedience did.
b) Israel did march forward - to victory!.