Saturday, 3 June 2017

Alone with Jesus - Jesus Voice - He is Pre-Eminent Speaker.

1. Jacob at Jabbok. (Gen 32:24)
2. Moses, in the desert (Exodus 3:1-5,12)
3. Joshua, near Jericho (Josh 1:1-9).
4. Gideon at Oprah (Judges 6:11-24)
5. Elijah, by the brook (I Kings 17:3-5; 19:9-18)
6. John the baptist, in the wilderness (Luke 1:80)
7. Peter, on the housetop (Acts 10:9-17)
8. Jesus, in the mountain (john 6:15)
9. Paul, in the Arabia (Gal 1:17)
10. John, the apostle, on the patomos  (Rev 1:9)

1.Comforting and Reassuring
a)Be of good cheer.
b)Let not your heart be troubled
c)Suffer the little children to come unto me.
2. Great Earnestness
a)He Knew the enormous value of souls, the horrors of hell,and the joys of the redeemed.
3.Authority and Finality.
a)Spake as one having authority
b)What manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey his voice?
c)He didn't mince words in condemning sin
d)Jesus had "the words of eternal life"

Patriarchs, Prophets,Kings and teachers in the Jewish church had spoken before him; but none like him. Men of high position, of great wisdom, of vast influence, have spoken since him; but none like him. He spake as never man spake.

a) In respect to originality.
b) In respect to sinlessness
c) In respect to authority.
d) In respect to subject
e) In respect to style- simplicity- illustration-plainness, etc.
f) In respect to spirit-love-kindness-sympathy.
g) In respect to the living influence of his words. Then, now always.
      1)Read what this man has spoken
      2)Meditate there on.

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