Friday, 2 June 2017

Esther Chapter 8. Couriers for the King of Kings

The Couriers (8:14-16) sent by Mordecai did a marvelous job reaching with the GOODNEWS before the execution of Jews took place. Two things I learned from these amazing COURIERS.

1. OBEDIENCE: They obeyed the king's command. They had no choice. But they counted it a privilege to be at King's Service. Notice the words in Verse 14 'urged/inspired by the king's command' They wasted no time since they realized the urgency. Their obedience saved many lives.

God's Couriers: We are couriers for the Lord. The King of Kings has given us the GREAT COMMISSION (Matt 28:18-20). It is a privilege to be at KING's service, God's Command is God's Will and God's will is God's Command, we have no choice and it is also urgent. Partial obedience is disobedience.

2. FAITHFUL : They were faithful till the end. Had they reached late the execution could take place. It is not just obedience, but there has to be faithfulness in that obedience. One might obey in doing things for the Lord, but the Lord sees faithfulness in it. Eg. One can be obedient in coming to Church Sunday after Sunday, but God also sees how faithful are we in living a life that glorifies His Name in our day to day life.

The Couriers in Esther had to work as a team. The first received the Edict and the last one delivered it. But in between there were many and all of them were faithful in doing their part to fulfil the whole plan of saving the Jews from the jaws of death.

India needs the Gospel. Be an OBEDIENT and FAITHFUL Courier. If each one of us do our part many will hear the GOOD NEWS and be saved from the jaws of eternal damnation.

Come Unto Me


A.The Characteristics of the speaker.
a) He is sympathetic
b) He is conscious of all-efficiency in His person and work.
c) He is untiring (as fresh to-day as ever)
d) He is urgent
e) He is meek, and lowly in heart.

B. The Universality of his appeal.
a) All mankind are included.
b) Every age and rank
c) The Son of Man is above all tribal and racial distinctions.

C.The Response of it demands.
a)It must be personal. Each man for himself.
b)it should be immediate.
c)it may be unemotional.

The Successful Church


"Then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success." Joshua 1:8.

Things necessary if the church is to succeed.

1.Spirituality."Not by might, nor by power,but by my spirit.
2.Unselfishness."My brother's keeper."
3.Courage."Only be thou strong and very courageous."
4.Efficiency."Ready for every good work."
5.Cooperation. "Workers together."
6.Evangelism. "Go.. Preach..."
7. Objective. "the Glory of God."

Christ the Shepherd Psalm 23.

The Christian's hope in the Psalm 23.

1. Personal Possessions, Assurance v.1.
2.Peaceful Position, Peace v.2
3.Precious Promise,Guidance v.3.
4. Pilgrim's Progress,Security. v.4
5.Proven Provision,Satisfaction v.5.
6.Priceless Prospect,Fellowship, Rest. v.6

Introduction: David as a shepherd boy fed his sheep in green pastures and protected them from wolves and wild beasts- a picture of the Great Shepherd.
1. David Shepherd: "The Lord is my Shepherd."

2.Divine Rest: "He Maketh me to lie down.

3.Divine Sustenance: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

4.Divine Leadership: "He leadeth me."
   a) In the paths of peace.
   b) In paths of joy.
   c) In paths of light.
   d) In paths of righteousness.

5.Divine Restoration: " For thou are with me."
   a) We will fear no evil
   b) We will be protected.
   c) We will be comforted.
   d)  We will be sustained.

6.Divine Anointing: "Thou anointest my head with oil.

7.Divine Overflow: "My Cup runneth over."

8.Divine Habitations: "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Psalm 23 1) Assurance 2) Peace 3) Guidance 4) Security 5) Satisfaction 6) Fellowship 7) Rest.