Monday, 30 April 2018

Lord and Law of the Sabbath.

Scripture Reading: Gen 2:1-3 ; Mark 2:23-28; Col 2:16

The Sabbath reaches from the first paradise when God said, "and God

blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it; because that in it he had

rested from all his work which God created anhd made", util that future

and greatest paradise, "there remaineth a rest to the people of God" (Heb

4:9). These verses should belong to chapter one as the crowning point of

the days of creation.

 We see here first of all the Fact of Completion. "Thus the heavens and

the earth were finished." Everything, the material heavens and earth,

with all creatures visible and invisible, has now been completed. The

verb "finished" is in the empahatic position, indicating a complete and

perfect termination. "All the host" suggests marching orders. It is like

a military armament marching forth.

The fact of Cessation is brought before us in verse two. In no sense

must the rest of the Creator be understood in the sense of fatigue (Isa

40:28) He rested because His work of creation was finished. It was a rest

in joy because of the satisfaction a perfect and harmonious creation

brought Him. The word sabath translated "rested" has the meaning "to

sit still." Elohim now desisted from His creative labors and assumed a

posture of quiescent respose. However God had to start working again

(John 5:17) and will work until the work of complete redemption is finished.
There is also The fact of Consecration. "blessed the seventh day and

sanctified it." This means first of all that God set it apart from all

the other days of the week. The sabbath became the special object of

Divine Favor. It was to be a day or epoch of blessing for the whole

creation. There is also a sense of permanence which did not belong to

the other days. They passed away and gave place to another. The sabbath

is a divine institution so ordered in creation. We have our rest in the

Lord of the sabbath, and not in the Mosaic ritual of the Sabbath (Col

2:16-17) One day's rest out of the seven will give both physical and

spiritual benefit, even under this Dispensation of Grace.

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